My Obsession with Pure Barre


     Many of you have been asking me about Pure Barre. So, here’s what I know and what I LOVE about it!!

My first visit to PB was in September of 2013. The first class was brutal awesome. For years I have been a tennis player, a runner and have participated in just about every kind of exercise and weight lifting program that is available. I even tried  went to one Yoga class. (hated it).  But nothing prepared me for my first class at Pure Barre. I had no idea how to tuck and squeeze. And do you tuck and squeeze at the same time? What did she mean by “embrace my shake”, “tiny down and tiny up”? Is she referring to my booty as my Pure Barre Ledge?  I didn’t even know there were “grippy socks” that one should wear.

Grippy Socks

For 55 minutes I listened and tried to follow along with the instructor and for 55 minutes I prayed that no one noticed how uncoordinated or how goofy I thought I looked.  But I got through it and when I finished,  I thought…wow that WAS fun and I was hooked.

So what drives me and the thousands  millions of other women to Barre classes? Personally, here are a few of the many things I love about Pure Barre.

1)  Every class begins right on time, ends right on time and every instructor follows the same general routine. For an OCD and type A person such as myself, consistency is  important.

2) The music is always upbeat and fun and makes you want to tuck, tuck, tuck!!

3) Each instructor is different but all of them are there for encouragement and motivation.  They literally walk around during the class, correct you silently if you aren’t holding a position correctly and always give a shout out if you are!! I will say the first time I was “corrected” I was a little embarrassed. But no one notices.  And just when you want to give in to the shake and pain, an instructor will say…”Great job Rhonda” or “you’ve got this Rhonda”.

4) The final 10….The best sound to my ears, when my thighs are screaming or my legs are having convulsions and the instructor says…we are coming up on our final 10.

5) I have noticed an increase in flexibility and toning and tightening that I haven’t seen in years. I feel stronger and my abs are definitely tighter. And for a 54 year old woman to almost be able to go into a split again? That’s right!!!

6) The wonderful selection of tops and bottoms to purchase along with the little trinkets that I just can resist.

If I’m going to sweat, I’m going to look good doing it.IMG_2389 2

7) For 55 minutes it’s just you and your workout. Once the doors shut and the music starts, there are no phones, no conversations and no interruptions. I find myself closing my eyes and concentrating as hard as I can on a position or my form. If you happen to look around, you will see that everyone is doing the same.

8)Low impact workout with minimal equipment.  A ballet barre, 2, 3 or 5 pound weights, a ball and your own resistance is the only equipment that you need.

9) Encouragement and comradery from others. Every woman in the class is there for the same reason…to look good and feel good. There is laughter and fun before class and the “yay we made it” after class.

Pure barre

10) When you finish your 100th250th and 500th classes you get your picture taken and posted on social media, they give you a gift and  you get to sign the barre.IMG_2388 2

  I look forward with excitement to the days that I can make time for my barre class. My goal is to get to my 100th Class before the end of the summer. I may have to take you all along for the celebration!!! Or better yet, start with me now!! 

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